Add countries you can sell to (but not ship to)

Sometimes customers from other countries want to purchase items on the shop to ship to someone within your country. This tutorial will show you how to do that.

Once logged into your shop, navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > General Tab. Under "General Options", select the following options:

  • Selling locations(s): Sell to specific countries (Make sure this is the selected option)
  • Sell to specific countries: Select the countries you are willing to sell to but not ship to. This means that a customer from another country can purchase items in your shop and then mail them to an address within the country/countries that you do ship to. 
  • Shipping locations(s): Ship to specific countries only (Make sure this is the selected option)
  • Ship to specific countries: Select the country/countries you are allowed to ship to

After you have added that info, scroll to the bottom and press the blue "Save Changes" button. And you're done!