Connect Instagram

In order to show your Instagram account on your site (either in the social media sidebar or elsewhere), you need to connect your account. Follow the steps below to connect your account.


  1. Log in to your website.
  2. Log in to the Instagram Account that you'd like to add in another tab on the same browser.
  3. From the Dashboard, Click Instagram Feed > Settings
  4. In the Manage Sources section, you can do two things:
    1. If you have an existing account, click Reconnect in the account you want to reconnect
    2. If you are adding a new account, click Add Source.
  5. Select Personal for the account type you are connecting (don't worry, this is only going to connect the Instagram account you are logged into at the time, not your personal account)Screenshot 2023-06-02 at 3.03.14 PM
  6. Ensure the checkboxes for Profile Information and Media are checked and that the the correct Instagram Account is listed and click Allow.
    Screenshot 2023-06-02 at 3.07.09 PM
  7. You may see a popup with the title Security Confirmation appear. If so, click the Yes, it is my domain button.
    Screenshot 2023-06-02 at 3.12.15 PM
  8. Your account is now connected (or reconnected 😉).