Shop FAQs

This tutorial covers some FAQs for our online shop customers. If you have a question not covered in this tutorial, please reach out to and we will be happy to help.

There is a big beer release coming up, can you give me information on it? How can I be prepared?

We do not provide information on our breweries' upcoming beer releases, besides what the brewery is already sharing. Sometimes they keep the URL a secret until the time of the sale as well and we will not give that URL out. However, if you want to register for a new account ahead of time, since all of our online shops are connected, you can register with any of our breweries' online shops. Then, when the sale starts, you can use the same username and password on that online shop.

How do I add/update a saved credit card in my account?

Please visit our tutorial on managing your account here: Manage your Account

How do I update my shipping or billing address in my account?

Please visit our tutorial on managing your account here: Manage your Account

How do I update my email address? 

Please visit our tutorial on managing your account here: Manage your Account

I try to update my email address but I get an error that "This email address is already registered". What do I do?

This means you are already using that email address or have placed an order with that email address on one of our online shops. Please email with the email address you want to change your account to and what online shop you are using.

I asked for a refund but don't see it in my account yet. What should I do?

Refunds take 5-10 business days to deposit funds back into your bank account. If it has been longer than that, please reach out to the brewery and ask for an update. 

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