Generating a Payment URL

How to Generate a Payment URL

If you have an order with a $0 total and no Stripe ID within the order notes, you can set the order to "Pending" and send a payment URL to your client.

Note: Customer information needs to be in the order details. This will not work if there is no customer email address included.

  1. Find the order in Metorik. Click the blue "Edit Order" button at the top right. 
  2. Once the order is open in WooCommerce, change the "Order status" to "Pending" and click "Update"
  3. A payment URL will appear above the order status. Copy that URL. It's always a good idea to make sure the payment URL works and is reflecting the correct amount.
  4. Email the URL to your customer. You can do this through your email service or use WooCommerce or Metorik. You only need to use one. You do not need to send a note in both.
  5. To use WooCommerce, while still in the order, scroll down the page and enter your message and the URL in the "Order Notes" area. Change the type of note with the dropdown from "Private" to "Note to customer". Click the "Add" button. This will send an email to the customer.
  6. To use Metorik, while the order is open, scroll down the page and enter your message and the URL in the "Order Notes" area. Change the type of note with the dropdown from "Private" to "Note to customer". Click the "Add order note" button. This will send an email to the customer.

Video tutorial: