How to find Google Ads conversion ID and conversion label

In your Google AdWords account interface, click on the three vertical little points at the top right of the page and in the "Measurements" column select "Conversions":

Click the blue "+" button to create a new conversion action:

Then select "Website" 

First of all, give a name to this type of conversion. Since it's about sales tracking, you can for example enter "Sales tracking" (but you can choose what you want):

Select the category that describes this conversion, that is "Purchase/Sale":

Select "Use different values for each conversion" and then select the default currency (for example US Dollar (USD $)) and a default value (you can leave the "1" value):

For the "Count" part, select "Every" to indicate that you want each conversion to be counted (if a person places 3 orders after clicking on one of your ads, AdWords will count 3 conversion and not only one):

For the following three settings, you can leave the default values:

Finally, you are asked to define your attribution model. To know what model to choose, click on the link in blue provided by Google: "attribution model report".

Then click on "Create and continue".

Step 2 is dedicated to Google AdWords tracking tag setting up. This is where you will find the conversion ID and label.

Then click on "Download snippet":

Please sent this snippet to Craftpeak so they can complete the Google Adwords connection with your shop site.

Press the "Next" button:

and then "Done"