How to update the alert bar/banner

How to Update Alert Bar

After logging into your account, select "Site Options" from the side bar. If you do not currently have an active alert bar on your website, change "Show Sitewide Message" to "Yes" by clicking the "No" toggle button (the red arrow is pointing to it in the image below). 

Now you put your desired message in the "Message" box. If you want clients to click on the alert bar and it directs them to an URL, put the link in the "Link" box. You can have the link open in a new window by clicking the option "Open link in new window?" 

After adding everything, press the blue "Update button" in the top right of your screen. View the front page of your website to test that it is working correctly.

Already have an alert bar and want to turn it off?

If you already have an alert and want to turn it off, you will click the blue "Yes" to toggle "No". After pressing the blue "Update" button in the top right, your alert bar is now off.