Metorik - FAQs

  • Where do you search for a customer? 

From Metorik's Dashboard, use the top search bar. It's best to use the customer's email address as names can be misspelled or changed.

  • Is better to close an order out in Metorik or in Woocommerce? Do I need to complete the order in both systems or just one?

Do whatever you're most comfortable with! They are synced up and one will change the other.

  • How can I see what orders need to be shipped?

Under "Orders", segment using the following settings: 

  • How can I see if a specific product needs shipping? 

Use the segment above showing how to see what orders need to be shipped. Then, add another filter to your segment by pressing the blue +. Select "Order Products" and "include", then select the product you want. This will show you the specific products/beers that needs to be shipped. You can then press the blue "Export orders" button to have a list of just that product that requires shipping.

  • Why are events with multiple time slot options displaying as separate products?

 If the event has variables (such as different times), it can show up as multiple products in Metorik, one for each variation.

  • How can I add another user to Metorik?

Only Craftpeak can add users to Metorik. Please send us an email at and we will be happy to add a user for you!

  • Why don't the totals in WooCommerce reports match Metorik reports?

There are a few reasons why the totals are different. Metorik and WooCommerce calculate different Net totals. Here is a helpful article from Metorik detailing the various reasons: Totals in Metorik vs WooCommerce.