What to do for a big release/sale

Please use this form to submit your release to Craftpeak: Upcoming Releases

When you do that, we will do the following to ensure a smooth release:

  • We will add your release to our calendar so the whole team will be aware. 
  • We will check over the product(s) for you and make sure everything looks ready for the big release!
  • Day of sale, we will make sure there are plenty of app servers to handle a large volume of customers to the shop.

Important things to remember:

  • Please hold back 5% - 10% of your inventory in case of oversells.
  • If you are using the Arryved inventory syncing feature, we do not recommend having it enabled for sale products, especially if you anticipate a large amount of traffic.

Inventory syncing is queued in our system and could lead to inaccurate counts in Arryved Service while the queue is drawing down. This could result in oversells if you are selling online and in-person in the same timeframe.

  • Make sure "hold stock" is removed (WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Inventory> scroll down to "Hold Stock" and remove whatever # is entered, then press the blue "Save changes" button)

Please email any questions to support@craftpeak.com!